
Monday, February 15, 2010

Viva La Paperwork!


I'm almost done getting all of the paperwork done for my milk donation.

Here's some paper-y information:

1. I have completed all of the pages "About Me"-- they are no big deal-- just basic personal information, how often you drink caffeine and alcohol, whether you eat dairy free, etc.

2. My OB, who delivered Gabriel and I really like, filled out the paper on my health history--
it asks if you've had infections recently, if you've had a blood transfusion in the past so-many-months, and for results on some blood tests (some I had had done when pregnant, others I have not had yet).

3. Gabe's doctor is yet to be presented with a form that basically asks if Gabe was born full-term and if he has been gaining weight (if is funny because Gabe is now twice his birthweight!!!).

After the paperwork is completed, I just have to get it back to the bank in an envelope they provided me. Then, I finish pumping, get the logistics on the bloodwork I need, get vampired in the arm, and arrange for milk shipping. I am starting to get very excited about the latter part of the process; it's almost here, people!!!

My freezer is getting pretty full between milk for the bank and milk for the baby. I will definitely share a photo before this process is done!


In Mcfatty Monday news, I am officially down 14 pounds since 1/1/10 (that's -40 from pregnancy), and barring I didn't gain 90 pounds from the Valentine's chocolate and romantic dinner my husband and I shared last night (Well, pretty romantic-- how's a candlelit gourmet dinner WITH a spitting up, but happy baby bouncing on your husband's knee count on the romantic scale?), I have 10 more to go before I get to pre-pregnancy weight. Then, the real get healthy march begins.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! That is great to hear. I checked out your blog and am now following-- will visit mygreatretreat soon!
