The more you read around the internet and peruse chat forums, the more you find a scary thing that I'd like to call Mom Wars.
Sure, it might sound fun, but it doesn't come with an amazing soundtrack or Darth Vader.
It DOES come with some topics of heated debate. People get really mad at Moms who do not think and act as they do... and I definitely understand some of the heat. I am an opinionated person, but a lot of these topics have to do with parenting choices. And ya know, the fact that we have choices in raising our children is a good thing-- I think. I often may not agree with someone's parenting style, but is it my place to correct him or her? And of course, if a child is clearly in danger, yes I should say something, but if not, is it really my place? This is what I have been wondering tonight.
In case you were wondering, here are some of the lovely topics which get Mommies particularly mad (and yes I exaggerate slightly):
-Rear Facing v. Front Facing Car Seats for Babies Under 2
-Breast is best v. Bottle is better
-Vaccine v. Alternative Vaccine Schedule
-14 wk. NT scan v. No 14 wk. NT Scan
-Nursing while Pregnant v. Not Nursing While Pregnant
-High Fructose Corn Syrup is awesome v. High Fructose Corn Syrup is evil
-Baby Wearing is the best thing ever for you and baby v. Baby Wearing will kill everyone
-Back v. Belly Sleeping Under Age 1
-Spanking v. No Spanking
-Organic v. Conventional/Processed Food for Kids
-Stay At Home Moms have it the worst! v. No way! Working Moms have it the worst!
annnnnd a current reheated debate due to a new study released the other day: