
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lucky Prevnar 13

Goober has already had his first two rounds of Prevnar, the pneumococcal vaccine, but it looks like his next two rounds will be switched to Prevnar 13, a newly CDC and FDA-approved and allegedly more widely-protecting version of the vaccine. Read more here.

Immunizations of any kind do make me nervous, and after reading Tylenol in tandem with vaccines could be linked to autism, we avoided Tylenol after his four month shots. I'm not too sure I want to switch from Prevnar to Prevnar 13 just yet, but I definitely want to protect my baby.

How do you feel about new and improved vaccines being given to your infant?

1 comment:

  1. Is there a way that you can get the original Prevnar instead? If you think that your baby has done okay with the original Prevnar, it might be safer to stay with what is proven to be okay for him...

    The Pure Mom (mom to a vaccine-injured child)
