
Thursday, July 22, 2010

I said I'd never own this.

That's right. I said I would never own a gigantic play yard. I thought it would be a huge monstrosity in the middle of our small condo living room.

But the fact is, we do have a small condo living room. So Gabriel kept trying to crawl out of the room to the litter box while I pumped. He kept attempting to pull up on chairs and topple them over on himself if I simply turned my head. And no matter what (as in, he literally crawls repeatedly out of his nursery, heads down the hall, and goes straight for this), he kept trying to stick his little fingers into the metal of our sliding glass doors.

And so, we now own a play yard.

Luckily, Gabe seems to think it's hilarious . . .

Don't you love that bright orange diaper? I do.


  1. Cute! we used to put our dog in one-hahah. Stopping by from SITS!

  2. Oh my goodness. He looks like he LOVES his giant play yard : ) How sweet is that? What a perfectly delicious baby : ) He made me smile tonight. So sweet!

  3. Oh my gosh!! I LOVE the picture of your son!! He is adorable!
